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Charlie Sand

Edward's Driver.

Age (in 1955): 36.

pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: Bi

Close Friend: Bob

Partner: Sidney

Appearance Description

Charlie has curly black hair, and blueish gray eyes, with pale skin with a pinkish hue to it.

His uniform is fairly clean, slightly sooty, but with a few paint stains, especially on the trousers. His uniform and hands usually smell of tobacoo smoke

His standard outfit is a dark blue and light blue two toned shirt, and jeans that are once again usually paint stained.


Charlie is from Cregwir Sodor. He was raised in a heavily conservative family (that he is no longer close to).

He began work in Cregwir yard at 18, before getting transferred to Tidmouth to work as a Fireman at 20.

As a fireman (in 1947), his Driver let him pick what engine he'd like to fire, and he chose Edward, who ended up being his engine throughout his career

Quick Facts!

  • Charlies a artist. He carries a small sketchbook and HB pencil in his jacket and sketches during breaks.
  • Charlie is seen as a hardman by everyone other than those who have known him more then 3 seconds. Though he did once punch a worker over something they said about Edward. He's a lovely lad really "The difference between them is Sidney's soft like marshmallow but Charlie's soft like nougat." -Harry
  • When not sketching in Edwards cab, he'll usually be seen with a cigarette, either in the breakroom or sat on a yard crate. He doesn't smoke around Edward because he doesn't like the tobbacco smell